When we got married back in 2007 we didn’t have a cent to our name. We had both just finished uni and were starting our own business, so to say we got married on a budget is an understatement. We had 10 guests in a registry office, a guest brought a bouquet of flowers on the day so Gemma had something to hold, we went to the ceremony in a taxi, the dress was off the clearance rack, and the after party was drinks at the local pub. But one thing we did, that we will never regret, is handed our video camera to a friend and asked him to film. 16 years and 3 kids later it is so special to have this footage to look back on.
It is this belief that nobody should miss out on capturing their special day because they don’t have 5K in the budget for a professional videographer that led to the creation of Film Your Own. That and Nopi’s awesome skills as a videographer!
We are so passionate about giving you a video that will shoot you back in time to this once in a lifetime event. A video that will make you laugh, will make you cry, that will capture all the inside jokes and the uniqueness that is your family. A video that one day you will gather around and watch with your grandchildren. A lasting legacy of your love and the start of your family. That is a privilege. And one we will never tire of or take lightly. We truly have the best job in the world!!!